Shipping methods

Shipping Methods for Greece:

  • Transport companies options of our company
  • Courier of our company’s choice
  • Courier of customer’s choice with consignee fee

Shipping Methods for Abroad:

  • Transport companies options of our company
  • Courier of customer’s choice with consignee fee

(transportation costs are borne by the customer unless there has been prior written agreement and acceptance by the company to cover transport costs).

Returns should be made with a shipping company that will designate our company in cases where it assumes responsibility for a replacement or refund.

If it concerns the return due to the fault of the customer, the shipping costs are borne by the sender.

The goods always travel at the buyer’s expense and risk, and their delivery to the relevant transport office is considered delivery at its headquarters.

Samples are sent only with an advance payment of their value and shipping costs

Payment methods

Payment methods:

  1. Deposit to the company’s account
    PIRAEUS: 5229 099801 994
    PIRAEUS IBAN: GR46 0172 2290 00 5229 099801 994
  2. NATIONAL BANK: 214 005711 84
    IBAN NATIONAL BANK: GR71 0110 2140 0000 214 005711 84
  3. Goods that may have been delivered without being paid for remain at
    ownership of the company Any refunds are made in the same way they were paid to
    our company. The order remains in the system as a commitment for 3 calendar days
    days. The deposit must be made within 3 days to initiate the
    execution of the order in the above ways.
  4. It is good to make payments from the same bank (e.g. from national to
    national) Because the charge that will be made will be borne by the customer (e.g. from Eurobank to
    Piraeus has a surcharge of €4.00-€5.00)